Titanic II

Australian Billionaire Decides To Build Titanic II

Almost 100 years after the original Titanic sank, an Australian billionaire has revealed plans to build an exact replica called Titanic II and sail it from Southampton to New York. But will it meet the same fate? And a better question, why the hell is he even bothering to do this?

Bring Me The Head Of Seth MacFarlane

It seems that Seth MacFarlane really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way with a bunch of his childish and sexist jokes at this year’s Oscars ceremony but really everyone just needs to get a grip and stop getting so angry about it. Here’s why.

Russian Meteor

Meteor Slams Into Russia

If you told me that I’d wake up today to news that a huge meteorite had slammed into Russia and there were a bunch of awesome videos of it, I would probably have said you were crazy. But it happened.

Pope Benedict

The Pope Has Left The Building

So the Pope has officially resigned for the first time in nearly 600 years. Is there a hidden agenda? Is the sacred shit about to hit the fan?And most importantly, What’s twitter saying about all of this?

Kim Jong Un

North Korea: Where Dreams Come True

North Korea. Everyone who lives there will tell you it is indeed the greatest place on earth. It’s basically a giant Disneyland theme park, that you’re not allowed to leave. It’s so exclusive that few people, if any, are allowed tickets to go there.

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