Man Goes Viral After Getting Bitten By Fox Moments After Explaining That They’re ‘Friendly’



A man who was pontificating to a group of lads that people are scared of foxes for “no reason” was left doing a painful walk of shame after the fox completely disproved his point by biting him on the leg.

Cue hysterical laughter from the lads in attendance:

Lol – excellent comedic timing by that fox. Fortunately for that man the UK has been rabies-free since 1902 so he probably doesn’t have to worry about catching anything nasty, even if he does have to deal with this clip going viral now. Right up there with Steve Irwin getting bitten in the neck by a python moments after saying it wouldn’t bite him!

I do love how the guy just skulks away at the end, knowing he was fighting a lost cause with those lads laughing at him maniacally. The ironic thing is that maybe the fox was just trying to be friendly? Having a little nip as a sign of affection like some animals do? Personally, I’m not hanging around one long enough to find out.

For unreal footage of a black bear attacking a climber in Japan, click HERE. Now that’s terrifying.



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