
How To Get A Free Train Ride

If you’re like me, you’ll hate paying for train travel, especially when it’s so expensive these days. Luckily for you, here’s a sure fire way of getting free travel on any train in the the world.

Breaking Bad Sitcom

What If Breaking Bad Was A Sitcom?

It’s remarkably easy to turn Breaking Bad into a sitcom just by adding some canned laughter and applause tracks, which is pretty surprising considering how goddamn serious it is all the time. Check out a Breaking Bad sitcom here.

Oldham Athletic

The UK’s Funniest Prank

It’s easy to prank someone in the 21st century and these guys nail it on one hapless victim, simply by phoning him and telling him he has trials at Oldham Athletic football club. He then proceeds to post a plethora of inane status updates about it that will make you piss yourself.


Subwoofer Cat

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that give you the most pleasure, like a cat sitting on a sub woofer while it’s woofing, for example.

Skaters VS Runners

Dumb Runners Start Beef With Skateboarders

It’s the usual story isn’t it. Skateboarders hanging out trying to skate a sweet spot somewhere when a couple of jumped up losers who’ve got nothing better to do decide to come along and try and ruin their fun. This makes me ANGRY.

Thomas Dotterer

Insanely Stupid Reactions To WWE Royal Rumble

It’s understandable that some fans might get upset by wrestling results every now and again These fans should probably be sectioned though because their reactions are completely and utterly insane, like the guy who got shot in the face but still said the Royal Rumble result was the worst part of his week.

Evra Trolls Berbatov

Patrice Evra Trolls Dimitar Berbatov

After you’ve jut lost heavily on your return to your former club, the last thing you probably want is one of your teammates to make fun of you as you leave the field, but that’s exactly what Patrice Evra did to Dimitar Berbatov this weekend.


You Learn Something New Everyday…

I hope that you didn’t already know how this happens because if you do then the title of the this post is completely irrelevant. I’m going to roll with the notion that you didn’t know about this already and you are in fact about to learn something new.

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