Video Games: Metal Gear Rising Is Cyborg Ninja Bloodlust Smut
Messing up everything in sight with a samurai sword is an addiction from which I never want to recover.
Messing up everything in sight with a samurai sword is an addiction from which I never want to recover.
The Gallic robot-men have given us a massive case of musical blue balls after sneaking out an all-too-brief taster of their new album at the weekend.
The director of Oldboy has upped sticks and come to Hollywood. The end result is one of the best things you will see this year.
Rocks have numerous valuable uses: paperweights, keeping the doors open in the back garden during the summer, bludgeoning people to death and so on.  One thing they’re perhaps not quite so good for is being a child’s toy (unless you’re in North Korea, a country so dirt-poor and ass-backwards that a rock is probably the equivalent …
According to a depressing turn of events earlier this week, the best live band in the country has a collective age of 245. It gets worse.
Staggering mediocrity is the new rock n’ roll and pop music is in big trouble. Sick Chirpse points fingers at the guilty culprits.
Alongside all the reasons they’ve already given us to love them (inventing headphones, Nintendo, Godzilla etc), Japan also has the world’s best TV commercials.
Britain’s Greatest living writer has a new book out soon, most likely full of crazy occult stuff and psychedelic imagery. Sick Chirpse presents a beginner’s guide to Northampton’s pre-eminent literary genius, magician and beard grower.
Internet comedy duo Magic Hugs have given birth to a painfully accurate satire of lifestyle videos made by smug, unbearable twats.
Everyone’s favourite secrecy-shrouded religion and money-making machine needs some new recruits. Comedy ensues.
Netflix’s shiny new TV show reminds us just why the Kevmeister is such a badass.
The man born Henry Lawrence Garfield Turns 51 today. Sick Chirpse tips its hat in salute to the real-life Man Of Steel.
Steven Jo’s likeable ode to instant noodles will most likely be re-enacted by the entire planet in a matter of days.
Life in this country wasn’t really better back in the day, people just like to think it was. Then they share some twatty post about it on Facebook.
Sick Chirpse flies its flag at half mast as it pays homage to Troggs singer Reg Presley, who was great at writing catchy songs, investigating UFOs, and swearing at his bandmates.