February 1, 2013

Breaking Bad Sitcom

What If Breaking Bad Was A Sitcom?

It’s remarkably easy to turn Breaking Bad into a sitcom just by adding some canned laughter and applause tracks, which is pretty surprising considering how goddamn serious it is all the time. Check out a Breaking Bad sitcom here.

Oldham Athletic

The UK’s Funniest Prank

It’s easy to prank someone in the 21st century and these guys nail it on one hapless victim, simply by phoning him and telling him he has trials at Oldham Athletic football club. He then proceeds to post a plethora of inane status updates about it that will make you piss yourself.


Subwoofer Cat

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that give you the most pleasure, like a cat sitting on a sub woofer while it’s woofing, for example.

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