Healing Pyramids AKA Complete Guff



As with all of the mad ideas in the world, the Russians have really taken to it. Some fella called Alexander Golod (shop owner/occult writer) who has more money than sense, but less money than stupidity has built loads of pyramids. They all have healing power of course. His largest is a 144ft fibre glass monument to retardedness, weighing in at 55 ton. Good one.

Healing Pyramid - Complete Rubbish - Alexander Golod

Healing Pyramid - Alexander Golod - Large

Desperate Russian sick people do pilgrimages to sample its powers; parties and wedding banquets are conducted in its shadow. Among other things, Alexander says the pyramid has the power to increase your immune system and also local crop growth. It prevents you from getting cancer and AIDS and decreases radioactivity. Yeah, sure it does. Also oil production goes up and weather gets less harsh in its vicinity apparently. Here’s Alexander.

Healing Pyramid - Alexander Golod

Other mad cap claims are that the Russian military could detect an energy column above it and that it has repaired the ozone layer above Russia. Look, I’m a skeptic, but I know these things “work” for some people because they want them to and expect them to, and the placebo effect is much, much stronger than most people imagine. But fixing the ozone layer and healing AIDS is going too far people.

Bloody Hippies.

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