Why American Football Is Better Than Soccer



2) REDZONE- America’s Answer To Gillette Soccer Saturday

If REDZONE is a grenade launcher, then Gillette Soccer Saturday is a spud-gun, or perhaps a catapult. Yes that’s right, you actually get to see the highlights with REDZONE, instead of cutting to some has-been, ex-footballer or betting-site-poster-boy screaming ‘Unbelievable Jeff”, with his red dwarf haircut. Meanwhile, you are screaming at the TV, already seething that Stelling has just purposefully misdirected you into thinking you just got that much needed goal for your accumulator, and all you want Kammy to do is to tell you who the fuck scored and what the fuck it looked like, and by the way, Kammy, you aren’t just talking to Jeff, you have half the planet hanging off every word of your version of events, that we are already pissed off we cant watch, even though if they would just tilt that camera a bit down and to the left we could bloody see it for ourselves.

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