24 Downright Strange Gravestones



Next up are a bunch of gravestones from Russia. Gangsters pretty much run a lot of areas in Russia, and they get good money from their criminal activity. So when they pop their clogs they like to do a bit of post-life showing off, and here’s how.

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These gravestones are from the gangster controlled city of Ekaterinburg. Gangsters are killed on a regular basis of course, so the owner of the gravestone factory (who was also a gangster) is pretty rich. His grave is now in the same cemetery.

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Some gangsters are buried with their mobile phones so they can be kept up to date with the daily round of gangland shootings and beatings. Would you get reception under 6 feet of soil?

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These two fellas got shot at the same time and one of them absolutely loved his car so they got a tomb stone made for it too. I don’t think they buried it though.

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This guy hasn’t got the sinister gangster look down really has he? Is he in his pants?

Gravestones Weird -  Russian Gangsta

☛ Up Next: Living Man From Ohio Declared Legally Dead



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