24 Downright Strange Gravestones



This monster is called the Harms Family Mausoleum, no one knows too much about it except that it’s massive and pretentious.

Gravestones Weird -  The Harms Family Mausoleum - Flower Hill Cemetry North Bergen

Another odd theme: parking meters. Yeah, weird? There’s nothing particularly funny or poignant about it. It’s just odd.

Gravestones Weird -  Traffic Warden 2

Gravestones Weird -  Traffic Warden

The inscription on the next headstone reads “Stan, may the force be with you”. I guess he liked Yoda, and why not, he is wise and unattractive, two of my own personal traits.

Gravestones Weird -  Yoda

According to Mr Google, this headstone belongs to the owner of a factory that produces clothes pegs. I don’t know if that really is the case, but it makes more sense than the monument itself.

Gravestones Weird - Clothes Peg - Middlesex VT

Lester was a Korean War veteran and a massive fan of the Jaws film. It doesn’t mention whether he liked the sequels or not though.

Gravestones Weird - Jaws

There you go, that was weird wasn’t it? Whilst writing this I’ve had a think about what I would have as my gravestone if I was minted. In the end I decided I would have a massive statue of Sloth out of the Goonies wearing a dress and smoking a pipe, just to keep them guessing.

☛ More Monuments: PHOTOS: Top 5 Tallest Statues In The World



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