Remember when you made a tower out of the crotouns from your awful tasteless salad when sitting around a table full of under-nourished leaning posts for breasts, discussing calorie content in semen? Remember the accomplishment you felt before it fell apart, and your eyes re-focused back into your acquaintance as she was pushing her tits together? Remember when you were happy and free that time you spent a week in the countryside with your parents and ran into a little cave and no one could find you but you didn’t care, there was no one talking about blow jobs? No? Oh. Haha. Uh yeah, me neither. That was weird.
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Imagine the accomplishment that this guy Ron Mueck must feel after pain stakingly putting together a realistic body sculpture of a fully grown man, 4 times his size. This hyper-realistic sculptor spends hours and hours adjusting skin tone and adding hair to these beautifully majestic sculptures, usually depicting a personal moment.
He started in film, creating models as a puppeteer for feature films such as Labyrinth (he may have made that art piece known as David Bowie) and even voiced the character Ludo.
Ron Mueck unveiled these new works at the Fondation Cartier in Paris as part of an exhibition.
☛ More Art Here: Neon WaterfallsÂ
☛ More Ron Mueck: Everyone Loves Giant Faces, Right?Â
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