Rob Ford: A History Of Idiocy And Some Choice Quotations



Then back to the negative: Ford kicked off about the city donating $1.5 million to help prevent AIDS. Why? Well, Ford argued that most tax payers should not be concerned with AIDS because “If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably, that’s bottom line…those are the facts”. Mayor David Miller then pointed out that women are the largest growing demographic of people contracting AIDS, Ford responded that it must mean “they are sleeping with bi-sexual men”. Oh Lordy.

Rob Ford - Toronto Canada Mayor - smashed

He also drew fire when he got on his high horse about cycle paths: “What I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later you’re going to get bitten… Roads are built for buses, cars, and trucks, not for people on bikes. My heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it’s their own fault at the end of the day”. He went on to say “It’s no secret, okay. The cyclists are a pain in the ass to the motorists”.

☛ Next Up: VIDEO: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Charges Down Female Councillor During Televised Meeting



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