A Singapore-based artist, Keng Lye has created these beautiful pieces of sculpture-like art. Originally painting of flat surfaces, Keng went on to make his art ‘3D’, in order to gain more perspective on the piece.
In his project ‘Alive Without Breath’, Keng has created a collection of sea-life in bowls using acrylic paint on layers of resin. To create the 3D protrusion, he adds a physical object (such as egg shells) and paints on that. These pieces look so real, I can say without doubt that many people have probably gone to touch them, expecting to feel the soft wet skin of an fish.
As if to comment on the fragility of sea life, and life as a whole, the paintings are created in a bowl, or small water-filled box. It reminds you of when your fishbowl breaks, or needs a clean, so you put your prized pet fish in a small bowl while you fix the problem. It scurries about, wondering why it only has the small white walls of an uncleaned dish you ate your cereal out of as a new home.
On his Facebook, you notice his patient and polite tone as he begins to panic about the amount of orders he’s getting in. I can’t even imagine how long these take to make, but you have a long queue to join if you do want one. Good luck sir, you are brilliant.
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