The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #12



Macho Morons


Men and women are equals. That’s the way things should be, but that doesn’t mean we’re the same, definitely not. Men, possibly due to their increased testosterone levels, are prone to showing off. They’re also prone to competing with each other to look the hardest, strongest, fastest etc. That’s what happened one drunken night in Seattle, 2005. A couple of buddies decided they would have a competition to see who could hang off a bridge over a motorway for the longest. What a wicked idea. The “loser” that gave up first clambered back to safety but the “winner” was too tired to pull himself back up, even with his mate’s help. He fell the 40 ft straight into the path of an oncoming truck, he bounced off that and was promptly and fatally smashed into by a car.

He certainly won’t be doing that again.

It’s wrong to laugh at other people’s demise, you should know that by now you’re a grown up.

☛ More:

The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #4

The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #7

The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #9



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