Today’s Top 4 Crap Celebrity News Items #2



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Daily Mail Celeb Non-news - Candice Swanpoel

Website: Daily Mail Online

Headline: Hello kitty! Supermodel Candice Swanepoel brings out her inner feline with a pair of furry white ears in sexy tweet

More Fitting Headline: Girl Tweets a selfie

Summary: Candice Swanepoel (a model, so I’ve been informed) has this week Tweeted a picture of herself wearing cat ears. What a complete nutter! Have you ever heard of such an off the wall manoeuver? No nor me, thanks Daily Mail for bringing this to our collective attention. Let’s think about this for one second: I assume there are some people out there who give some kind of toss about what this swan-pole character does, and I’m sure those that care will follow her on Twitter any way? No? Well, whatever, you’ve all seen that slab of non-news now either way. I mean… I just don’t know what to say…

Quote To Note: “Her golden hair is loosely curled with long trailing bangs softening her jawline, and her make-up is perfectly applied with rose-tinted lipstick, eye shadow in pink, mauve and brown and a dusting of blush”.

Favourite Reader’s Comment: Incredibly only three comments were left on this one when I checked it? So this is the most confusing of the three – “Her frocks are very stormable. Very, very stormable”.

Isn’t the Daily Mail awful everyone? I have to be careful what I write on these things, I don’t want to get into trouble for inciting violence so you’ll have to read between the lines: if you see someone reading the Daily Mail in a park or on a train definitely DO NOT set fire to it. OK? Yeah?

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