Albert Einstein once said that there are only two things that are infinite – the universe and human stupidity. And that he might have been wrong about the universe.
As such, websites like Sick Chirpse will never go short of material as it’s a solid guarantee that someone, somewhere, at any given moment is doing something monumentally dumb that the rest of us can all laugh at.
Step forward, then, the Women’s Institute in Parkham, North Devon, who have managed a feat of crashing tactlessness that literally had bells on it.
Attending a meeting dressed as pirates for what had been billed as “a talk on piracy,” the ladies were more than a little embarrassed to discover that it was actually a talk from a man who had been captured and held hostage by Somalian pirates in 2008.
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The treasurer for the W.I., who came up with the brilliant “traumatise our guest” idea, admitted that she realised her mistake when she came across a book by guest speaker Colin Darch detailing his ordeal. She said that by then it was already the morning of the talk and “too late.”
Much as I hesitate to tell the Women’s Institude how to run a tight ship (leave it…) I can’t help but feel it’s never “too late” to tell someone not to wear an eye patch and a hook to a meeting. A quick phone call would have done the trick.
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As for Captain Darch, he took the whole incident in good humour, possibly because nobody could seriously be frightened by this group of buccaneers:
Still, members of the Parkham W.I. may wish to tread a little more carefully with upcoming talks.
 If not, here are some suggestions!
 May 11th: Sponsored Jenga for victims of 9/11
 May 18th: Hide & Seek contest (proceeds to the Madeleine McCann appeal)
 May 25th: Shell Suit & Cigar Night to benefit Great Ormond Street.
 June 1st: Brewery Tour for Alcoholics Anonymous.
 June 8th: Narcoleptic Coffee Morning.
 November 5th: Annual Bonfire Night fundraiser for local Burns units.
 Of course, nobody would actually be dumb enough to do any of those, right?! …Your move, Einstein’s theory…
  â˜› And now for something a little smarter: Smallest, Most Expensive, Most Intensely Awesome Cartoon Ever Made