Top 5 Weirdest News Of The Week #1 Is Frankly Miraculous



4) Most Expensive Dog

Weird News - Tibettan Mastif

A Tibetan mastiff has this week become the most expensive dog on the planet. These dogs have become pretty popular with the Chinese elite, partly because they look cool, but I would also imagine the fact they cost so much gives the owner a kudos boost too.

This week the puppy on the left (yeah, apparently it’s still a puppy) sold at a luxury pet auction in eastern China to a 56-year-old property developer for 12 million yuan (£1.16 million). Wowzers. In 2011 a Tibetan mastiff was sold in China for 10 million yuan (£970,000) so this one kicks the crap out of that cheap skate.

A dog breeder at the auction said that these dogs are expensive because they have “lion’s blood” – no they don’t. They are impressive though, but personally I’d go for a loving, dribbling, moronic mongrel if I was to get a dog. But, alas, I am allergic to canines…

☛ More: Chinese Dog Meat Festival Looks Ruff



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