A creeping wall of ice attacked people? Yeah, I didn’t actually know that ever happened.
A few hours ago at Ochre Beach in Manitoba a nine-metre high wall of creeping ice from a lake destroyed 12 homes and damaged another 15. Strong winds pushed ice from Dauphin Lake up on to the shore. The video below shows a similar event at Izatyz Resort, Minnesota last year. You can see it creeping steadily towards peoples homes like a snail paced juggernaut. It looks kind of creepy and a bit sci-fi. It’s not as terrifying as lava I guess, but anything that is coming towards you with no signs of stopping has got to be a bit of a worry.
Apparently yesterday in Manitoba people were barbecuing and chilling out and then all of a sudden they heard the beast creeping in and within 15 minutes it was demolishing houses and shifting peoples shit around. A state of emergency was declared but people have been allowed back now as the bastard is chilling out. People who’s homes haven’t been structurally knackered are now trying to remove the ice as best they can.
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Here’s a news report showing some of the devastation left behind the chilly monster:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FWw4MvNuu0′]
This is the literally cool footage from Minnesota last November:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EyfEDKWscg’]
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