It’s no secret that at the rate we are going, the planet won’t be able to sustain us for that much longer. In what is, geographically speaking, a very short space of time, we have gone from being a fairly harmless species of cave dwelling apes to an endless swarm of violent, hungry locusts that devour everything in our path so that we can feed our rapidly growing population with ground up animals and genetically modified plants, whilst poisoning our atmosphere with toxic fumes and filling our oceans with shopping trolleys. Okay so perhaps I am dramatizing this a bit but you get my point; unless some sort of change is made, we are screwed.
So as it turns out, in answer to this problem an unassuming but ingenious American couple have taken it upon themselves to engineer a solution that will kill a great number of birds with one, massive stone. They have designed their own prototype for a special type of solar panel that can be fitted on the floor in place of anything, including roads, paths, driveways, runways and even recreational areas. Wherever there is tarmac, there is the potential for these panels. They even have the capability to heat up in order to melt any surface ice in cold areas, and they leave the capacity to wire all power lines and internet cables beneath the roads as opposed to on telephone poles, thus reducing the risk of power outages. They are covered in programmable LEDs that can be used to create road/runway markings among a variety of other uses. It is calculated that if every road in America was solar powered, then it would produce three times more energy than it uses. Global warming? No. I don’t think so.
In short; this is it. And when I say “it” I mean this is your best bet for saving the world from behind the screen of your laptop. Spread the word, give them money, harass your local council, whatever. Something has to be done to spread this idea to some big venture capitalists who can really get it moving with some copious amounts of cash. Here’s a video giving you all of the information above but in a more humorous and concise manner:
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☛ More About How Screwed We Are: NASA Study Concludes That Civilisation Is Pretty Much Over