Maths Problems From North Korean School Books Are Hilarious



Everyone knows North Korea keeps itself to itself. Everyone knows it’s run by a tyrant and that everyone who lives there is indoctrinated 24/7. It’s one thing to be aware of it and quite another to see it in action.

If you want to keep a whole nation blind to its own problems and fully sedated, you have to use some pretty fancy footwork to keep the masses down. Indoctrination has to start early, and that means that hating the Americans must be a priority right from the year dot.

What better time to smear your muck on the minds of the children than when they’re at school. So what I’ve got for you today is some genuine questions taken from maths text books from North Korean schools, mixed up with some propaganda posters for your visual pleasure. This is the cover of the book that the problems are taken from. As you can imagine it’s a pretty rare find, very little goes into or out of North Korea. Not with out that little fat fella’s say so any way.

North Korea Maths - Language Book

 â˜› Next: Kim Jong Un Gets New Bird

Here we go, thinking hats on:

Q1) During the Fatherland Liberation War (North Korea’s official name for the Korean War) the brave uncles of Korean People’s Army killed 265 American imperialist bastards in the first battle. In the second battle they killed 70 more bastards than they had in the first battle. How many bastards did they kill in the second battle? How many American imperialist bastards did they kill all together?

You’ll see that the American imperialist bastards feature fairly heavily in their questioning…

North Korea Maths - Propaganda Posters Hate USA

Q2) South Korean boys, who are fighting against the American imperialist wolves and their henchmen, handed out 45 bundles of leaflets with 150 leaflets in each bundle. They also stuck 50 bundles with 50 leaflets in each bundle. How many leaflets were used?

Wolves. Lol. More on next page…

 â˜› Read Next: The Sick Chirpse Guide To Why North Korea Hates America



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