Grandpa Gets High



Today is 4/20, or 20/4 if you don’t write it like a complete retard, either way today is the day that everyone is allowed to go to the park, skin up a massive spliff and smoke that shit. Ok maybe not. It’s never legal to do that but for some reason everybody thinks they’re allowed to today. There will probably be a group of stoners meeting up to get high in a park near you, unless they’re all too stoned to organise anything (most probs). I had a text from my guy last night saying he was getting some ‘incredible’ stuff in for today to mark the occasion, he then said it was called ‘blueberry Stilton extra matured AK-69 cheese’ – gotta love these names they pull out.

Anyway to start the day off here’s a video of someone’s Grandad getting high. He has some medical conditions and lives in Cali where it’s cool to get high if you’re in pain (hello, wake the England), so he decides to go try out weed for the first time in front of a camera. After trying to hit his pipe a few times and not succeeding, he flips his flame over and starts doing it right, then POW! 2.22, watch that shit, that’s it right there! My man is gettin’ HIGGGGGGGH MOTHERFUCKER!!!

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