Fukushima Power Plant Disaster: What’s Really Going On



A lot of the mainstream media hasn’t really reported on a lot of this – which is why I’ve been linking to sites like Natural News and Democracy Now, which clearly have their own agendas so it’s unsure whether they’re completely impartial – so it’s hard to determine what information is correct and which isn’t. As there doesn’t seem to be a video of the sea boiling anywhere I would be inclined to believe that it isn’t actually doing this – as making a video of this would surely be one of the first actions anyone would take over this – but the fact remains that the Fukushima power plant has admitted to leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean and this is 100% not a good look for anyone in the world.

Natural News is also reporting that their was a propaganda campaign in Japan to try and deter negative feeling about everything that is going on in Japan by encouraging citizens to smile and drink beer as this would make them immune to radiation poisoning. I’m not sure if this is actually true or not but if it is it really highlights how desperate they must have become over there because that’s akin to telling the whole nation to smile and get drunk so that they forget about their problems, which is kind of the way you deal with your girlfriend breaking up with you (except you replace the smiling with fucking as mayn girls as possible and put them in a different order), not a potential nuclear disaster.

Power Plant Leaks

The BBC stated that the Japanese needed to ask for help with sorting out their radiation programs and that that is something their notoriously proud nation is very bad at doing. This is further evidenced by a report from BusinessWeek.com who state that the Russians actually gave them a way to sort out some of these problems, or at least a way to make them not as expansive:

‘Russia’s nuclear company, Rosatom, of which Rosenergoatom is a unit, sent Japan a 5 kilogram (11 pound) sample of an absorbent that could be used at Fukushima almost three years ago, Vladimir Asmolov (first deputy director general of Rosenergoatom, the state-owned Russian nuclear utility) said. It also formed working groups ready to help Japan on health effect assessment, decontamination, and fuel management, among others, Asmolov said. The assistance was never used, he said.’

This seems to imply that Japan are being very stubborn about solving this problem and don’t really care about the damage that they could be doing to the world, as long as it looks like they’re not actually doing it and can cover it up. Unfortunately for them it looks like they’ve been found out and may actually need to finally step up and sort this out now. It just kind of sucks that we have no idea what’s been going on over there for the past two and a half years though.

Regardless as to whether or not the sea is actually boiling, the fact that hundreds of nuclear materials are leaking into the ocean and could possibly be spreading all across the world is 100% absolutely a really really bad situation and one that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible before it completely screws up the entire ecosystem. The Japanese need to sort their shit out and do something about this right now.

☛ More Japan: Japanese Bug Fights 



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