Fukushima Power Plant Disaster: What’s Really Going On



NaturalNews.com explained just how bad the situation was becoming in a statement released last week that has been widely circulated all over the internet: ‘After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima’s radiation leaks are spiralling out of control. In addition to the leaking water storage units that are unleashing hundreds of tons of radioactive water each day, TEPCO now says 50% of its contaminated water filtration capability has been taken offline due to corrosion.’

DemocracyNow.com also reported last week that Japan’s nuclear regulator said Wednesday it has officially raised the radioactive water leak severity rating to Level 3 on the international scale for radiological releases. In this statement it also confirmed that over 330 tons of highly radioactive water leaked from the plant just under last week and that the plant had recognised this and accused TEPCO of not monitoring their storage tanks adequately. Surely you would think that this was probably the most important part of running a nuclear power plant though? Especially after the disaster two years ago? You would THINK that but I guess this isn’t actually the case.

Again, even if the sea isn’t actually boiling right now there are still genuine concerns that if radioactive water continues to leak from the Fukishama Power Plant then it could lead to serious problems. Obviously the worst case scenario is that the whole Pacific Ocean could become a vast boiling expansion like something out of an old science fiction movie but it seems unlikely this will happen merely because it seems like such an extreme development and like something that would never actually happen in real life.

However it is quite possible that the whole Pacific Ocean could become contaminated with radioactive materials which is obviously not a good situation – it can affect the whole ecosystem and could also lead to massive health problems within the entire world if they end up contaminating the seafood population.

The study below confirms this view. It’s kind of a boring video because it’s like a university lecture but the graphics make pretty scary viewing if you skip to about 1.23. I think this is legit too because it seems to be performed by serious academics – the narration is boring enough for me to believe that these people are university lecturers.

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[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyrO1UjfJX0#t=52′]



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