If This Applies To You, Your Life Has Become A Massive Crock Of Shit



Sometimes Other People Know Best

Your Life Is Screwed - IT Serial Killer

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OK, I have another scenario for you to consider. I like scenarios. As I write them I put on a voice like Columbo to make it sound more cool. I recommend trying that:

You’re sat at your desk at work. You’ve been staring at your screen without blinking for 6 or 7 hours. As far as you can remember, nothing has happened in the last hour or so. You are dead upstairs.

The IT guy comes along. Not the one that fixes people’s PCs and is actually quite personable, no, not him. I’m talking about the big guy with grey hair and even greyer skin. The one that is probably a serial killer. He never smiles at anyone. Some people wonder if he even can smile. Most people don’t know his name, it’s Gary, but no one cares.

So Gary comes over to you and he says “cheer up, it might never happen”.

What he’s done there is he’s told you that even one of the most unapproachable, un-insightful, sociopathic people has deciphered the fact that your brain can no longer deal with what it has become.

My advice: Invite Gary round for dinner, or if you’re really worried about the serial killer talk, just go out for a drink with him. This might sound counter-intuitive, but it isn’t.

Hanging with Gary will make him feel better, which in turn will make you feel like you’ve done the right thing. But even more importantly, it will make you feel better about your life as he bangs on about Dungeons and Dragons and living with his mum.

Word of warning: Keep an eye on your drink. Take it with you when you piss.

And… relax.

If, by some strange twist of fate, this article has helped you in any way: YOU’RE WELCOME. Post me a cheque to my home address: Go Fuck Yourself St., Shitbox Towers, Knobsville, FUCK.



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