9 Bonkers Things Done By Philosophers



7. Masturbating In Public

Diogenes again. He famously lived inside a small barrel in public and so didn’t have many options when he wanted a bit of privacy. He didn’t mind though; he just wanked inside his barrel while people walked past. If anyone confronted him, he delivered this killer line for which there is no comeback:

“I wish it was as easy to relieve hunger by rubbing an empty stomach.”

He would also piss on people who annoyed him and often shat in public theatres.

6. Bestiality

Australian philosopher Peter Singer put forth a rather controversial philosophy relatively recently in 2011 when he suggested that while bestiality should remain illegal (as any other act where an animal is harmed), there can be situations where sex between a human and animal can be mutually enjoyable.

He gave this example: A woman receiving oral sex from a dog isn’t so bad.

No one agreed with him.



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