5 Things Nobody Tells You About Losing Weight



3. People Will Express Concern For Your Wellbeing

your concern is noted

People who you’ve not seen for a while will not necessarily share your enthusiasm for your weight loss. You will be asked if you have a wasting disease of some sort. Whether this is a result of envy, a desire to denigrate someone who’s felt the burn or a genuine, heartfelt anxiety that you have leprosy is unimportant. Rule 1 dictates that your achievements must be recognised and fawned over at every possible opportunity, sometimes as many as two or three times an hour. Otherwise, what was the point in losing all that weight? The absolute worst that you will hear is that you looked better fat. That’s like saying to an ex smoker ‘yeah you’re healthier, but fuck it, you looked so cool back then’. In this instance, revert justifiably back to point 1.

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