Transgender Man Who Gave Birth Loses Appeal To Be Registered As Child’s ‘Father’ Or ‘Parent’



The first British transgender man to ever carry and give birth to their own child has lost his latest court battle to be registered as the child’s “father” or “parent” on the birth certificate, rather than “mother”.

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Freddy McConnell, who was born female but now lives as a man, says that forcing him to be recorded as his child’s “mother” is a breach of his human right to respect for private and family life.

As reported by Sky News, three Court of Appeals judges ruled against him this week (the High Court had already ruled against him back in September), saying the issue raised complicated “interlinked” legislation, and that the reform is a matter for parliament.

Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the Family Division of the High Court, said that people who give birth are legally the mother of their child, regardless of their gender, adding that there is a “material difference between a person’s gender and their status as a parent”.

At the time of conception, single parent Freddy was biologically able to get pregnant and give birth and legally changed his gender following the birth of the child. He is now taking legal action against the General Register Office, who are responsible for administering births and deaths in England and Wales.

Freddy is also considering heading to the Supreme Court for a fresh appeal, but it’s fairly obvious they’re just going to shut him down as well. As the Court of Appeals judges said, parliament would have to pass a whole new law in order to change legislation on how people who give birth record their gender.

Not to mention he did give birth to the child before legally changing his gender, so I’m not sure what the big deal is really. If you want to be the kid’s father then go ahead, why does it matter what it says on the birth certificate? Well apparently it really does matter to Freddy because he keeps launching appeal after appeal even though it would currently be unlawful to list him as the father.

Anyway, opinion seems to be split online as to whether this is a victory for common sense or an example of societal oppression against transgender folk. What do you think?

For the transgender shoplifter who was spared jail because ‘there is no way to confirm her gender’, click HERE. Um, what?



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