Even though you’re probably making a load of bank, being a weed dealer must be hella difficult as you’re working all hours and a complete slave to whoever calls you and wherever they are. You also have to deal with reprobate idiots who must be off their faces half the time. It sounds like a tough life to me, and it’s easy to see why so many of them are annoyed and angry all the time when you meet them.
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That’s why it’s so refreshing to see the attitude of this dude in the text message below. Normally when I’ve received a mass text message from a dealer it’s just about some sweet new offers they’ve got in or telling me how fresh their flowers are, but not this dude – he’s acting like a bonafide professional about taking the day off for his birthday and letting his peeps know about it:
Look what my weed man texted me young 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/z4gEnQaJzU
— Vv👑 (@_Mandieeee) October 9, 2017
Yep, even dealers and hustlers need to have their days off every now and again. I just expect them to turn their phones off rather than inform people in the way that this dude has. I guess that’s why he’s got so many loyal customers who call him weed man though.
Also side note – why does Vv/Mandieeee have 76 unread text messages? You’re leaving a lot of people in the lurch there dude.
For more dealers, check out this story about black market chicken wing dealers facing jail time. Seriously.