NHS Worker Caught With 9g Of Cocaine Is Called ‘Evil’ And Jailed For 3 Years



An NHS worker who took cocaine into a music festival has been jailed for three years and described as ‘evil’ by the judge who sentenced her. Bit harsh?

Courtney Healy, 21, had 14 wraps of the Class A drug in her bag as she went to Creamfields on a weekend off. She claimed she was taking the 8.9 grams – valued between £420 to £1,100 – in for her friends. Text messages revealed that she was actually smuggling them in for a man already inside the Cheshire festival.

Courtney, who has no prior convictions, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine with the intent to supply at Chester Crown Court.

Judge Steven Everett described her behaviour as ‘evil’ as he sentenced her for three years, telling her:

‘Yes, she can hang her head. This is not a naïve young woman, is it?

It shows she is completely enveloped in the drug culture and is very blasé about it.

You can’t be both – a health care support worker and somebody that is involved in the supply of terrible Class A drugs. And you chose the latter.’

How harsh is that? She’s a 21-year-old girl who took some coke to a festival – like any other 21 year old at these festivals. To describe that as ‘evil’ is a bit OTT, not to mention jailing her for three years.

During her trial, prosecutor Richard Edwards said Healy sent multiple messages asking her friends how they were taking their drugs in. He told the court there were many opportunities to surrender drugs at the festival’s amnesty bins, while posters warned festivalgoers about the consequences of being caught with drugs.

It seems obvious that Healy was just a go-between, rather than an actual drug dealer who is concerned with the onward supply the drugs. Yeah OK it was stupid to assume the responsibility for that much coke; she knew what she was doing, took the risk and got caught. But her punishment sits uncomfortably in comparison to other crimes. Just the other day, 54-year-old Ted Healy got two years for sexual assault – how is that not worse than what this 21-year-old NHS worker did?

Some community service would have sufficed if you ask me. Branded evil and jailed for 3 years? Come on – no way that can be right. I don’t know if Courtney’s team is planning an appeal of some sort but good luck to her whatever happens.

For the Coventry drug dealer caught with £420,000 of cocaine after his car broke down on the motorway, click HERE.

[h/t Metro]



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