Mum Defends Herself After Her Cleavage ‘Stole The Spotlight’ At Son’s Birthday Party



A 37-year-old mum from Kent is defending herself against online haters after they claimed she intentionally stole the show at her son’s birthday party by showing off her boobs in a summer dress.

Raquel Dicuru initially shared the clip on TikTok with the caption: “When you didn’t realize your boobies were stealing the spotlight at your son’s birthday party until you saw pics and vid later that evening!”, after receiving a load of criticism for her outfit.

“People were commenting stuff like ‘She knows what she’s doing’. It was as if I was being blamed for having something on show.

“They were saying I was making it all about me rather than my son. Someone said the fact I posted the video was ‘sick’.

“It’s just weird – why are people so angry? They’re just boobs.”

Have to say I agree with Raquel Dicuru on this one. All she wanted to do was “inadvertently” flash a little boob at her son’s birthday party and tell the internet about it, and she ends up being called “sick”, accused of trying to “find a husband” and all sorts of other mean-spirited comments! Well I for one am glad that Raquel refused to apologise and instead stood her ground and fired back at the critics. Hopefully her response gives other MILFs out there (single or otherwise) the courage to wear whatever they want at their kids’ birthday parties. Like she says, what exactly is wrong with a little cleavage?

Although to be fair, this has probably worked out 10x better than Raquel could have possibly imagined. She wanted a little attention – she got it. Then she found a way to get more attention, and got annoyed by some of it being negative. And then got even more attention. What a result! Yeah OK her son will have to explain the story for the next 10 years after it went viral, but that’s a small price to pay. Go Raquel Go!

For the 48-year-old mum who stole her daughter’s identity so she could go to uni and bang younger guys, click HERE.



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