Jameela Jamil Misgendered Someone On Twitter & All Hell Broke Loose



Actress/presenter Jameela Jamil is one of the more vocal celebrities when it comes to pushing woke ideas and telling people to ‘do better’ and all that jazz, so the last thing you’d expect for her to do is commit the mortal sin of misgendering someone.

Well, misgender someone she did; a non-binary person to be precise:

Jameela immediately owned up to her transgression (pun not intended?) while also suggesting that everyone on Twitter put their pronouns in their usernames so no one ever gets misgendered again. That only made things worse as the same people she was trying to placate came down on her with the wrath of a thousand suns:

I actually feel sorry for Jameela Jamil having to deal with these insane comments in her mentions. There’s literally thousands of them! Then again, isn’t this the sort of culture she helped encourage by aggressively embracing all this stuff in the first place?

In any case, she’s sticking to her guns…

In fairness to Jameela, I’m sure she has good intentions with this sort of thing but just ends up digging a hole for herself because she’s trying too hard to appeal to a crowd that’s so relentlessly unforgiving any time you mess up.

This isn’t the first time Jameela has put her foot in it – remember when she came out as ‘queer’ after facing backlash for joining a queer judging show? Problem solved:

For the time Jameela told people on Twitter to stop using the term ‘blind spot’ because it’s ‘ableist’, click HERE. Be sure to report your driving instructor to the DVLA.



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