Doctor Accused Of Putting His Semen In Woman’s Cup Of Tea



A GP accused of depositing his semen in a cup of tea before giving it to a woman and watching her drink it has appeared in court.

Dr Nicholas Chapman, 54, was suspended from North Curry Health Centre in Taunton, Somerset, reports the Metro.

Apparently the victim discovered the substance at the bottom of her mug after finishing the drink on September 13 last year, and somehow didn’t puke up all over the place. Gross!

The South African-born medic, of Kingston St Mary, Somerset, yesterday denied a charge of attempting to cause a woman aged 16 or over to engage in sexual activity without her consent.

He was released on bail and, after electing a jury trial, will appear at Taunton crown court next month.


What a sick f*ck. I mean if someone is prepared to jizz in a cup of tea they’ve made for another person, then what else are they capable of? Worse still, this guy is a doctor FFS. A person you trust to diagnose ailments and prescribe medicine, not spunk in your tea and watch you drink it. Whether drinking spunk has its own health benefits (arguable) is besides the point – you cannot be doing that without consent; medical practitioner or not! Lock him up and throw away the key.

For the 58-year-old man who threw his semen all over a women in an Asda car park, click HERE. What is wrong with people?



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