The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #1



Double Darwin

Darwin Awards - Via Dutra Brazil

This time we’re in Brazil. There’s a young and amorous couple driving down Via Dutra, the largest freeway in Brazil with a constant stream of heavy traffic. It’s 6am and foggy and the couple decide to park up for a bit of rude action. They don’t park in the hard shoulder or that grassy bit in the middle, oh no. They just stop in the slow lane, in the fog. Of course, their session was cut very short by a massive truck moments later.

Wang Worries

Darwin Awards - Penis Ring

In Romania in 2004, a very unfortunate man presented himself to medical professionals. As a dare in a drinking game he had put a ring on his winkle. It got stuck. He was embarrassed to the max as you would imagine and didn’t go to the doctors for quite some time. Due to the incessant pain he finally did take his rancid looking chap to get help, by that time gangrene had already set in. Doctors informed him it would need to be removed. The man decided his best bet was to flee. So there’s two possible outcomes here: he died from the gangrene or his plonker fell off, either way he’s out of the gene pool for good.

☛ Read Next: Black Death — The Scourge Of Europe



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