Check Out This Robot Dog With A Machine Gun Completely Annihilating A Target



I always question just why we’re out here creating massive remote controlled robot dogs that can pretty much maul and assault anyone they want because we’ve all seen ‘Terminator 2’ and know what happens, but here we are now adding deadly accurate machine guns onto the back of them.

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The latest viral video that should scare the absolute shit out of you again doesn’t actually come from Boston Dynamics this time for once, but instead what looks like a crazy guy in the middle of nowhere making his own robot amalgamations. People who have viewed the video are claiming that it’s filmed somewhere in Russia and features a $3000 robot dog that anyone can pick up from China with a PP-19 Vityaz strapped onto the back of it.

Take a look at the below and be ready to fear the robot uprising even more:

OK, so in fairness someone is probably out there aiming and shooting the robot dog, but it’s probably not too long before they start figuring out how to do that autonomously. Mark my words.

What should probably be more concerning at this point though is that some incel freak Russian is just out there buying guns and robot dogs, annihilating targets for fun whilst also start to build an army he can control remotely. There could be more of these guys out there as well. It’s not going to end well when someone Russian guy attacks a school with one of these is it? Stop it now Putin.

For more of the same, check out this video that shows how easy robot dogs are to defeat. Thank God.



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