Brock Lesnar Butchers A Cow In Graphic Photo & People Are Horrified



Nothing to see here, just Brock Lesnar living an average day in his life by showing off the mutilated carcass of an enormous cow he’s just butchered out in the woods somewhere…

TBH I wouldn’t be surprised if the cow just killed itself once it saw Brock coming. The guy looks like a viking warrior straight out of 1066 AD, or a boss fight in God of War or something. Probably took the cow to Suplex City before F5’ing it into oblivion. Can’t even fathom how little he cares about the criticism this photo is receiving online, or that he’s even aware of it:

When he isn’t being paid millions to do 15 minutes of work for WWE, Brock Lesnar lives out in the middle of nowhere in freezing cold Minnesota. He recently told the Pat McAfee Show that he likes to ‘hibernate’ in order to deal with his anxiety:

“I have a total crash after being in front of audiences. Like, I go hibernate in Saskatchewan. Like, my downers – like, the anxiety from that – like, takes me a few days to recover. Forever, yeah, it’s been that way.

Like, I used to be on – have big wrestling matches in high school and – like, to come down from big arenas it’s like, I get nervous around people and I’m awkward as f**k. Yeah, but I’m putting on a show.

Like I’ve got to go through all this thing, and that’s just who I am. And I like to go and just get away from the people. And it’s not that I dislike people. I mean, it’s not been that way, but some people, yeah, I don’t like.

I just like to be left the f**k alone, and because I’m like – like, I’m in front of an audience then it just exhausts me. And so I’ve got to go and like, recharge up.”

Brock Lesnar – classic introvert. Just one that could rip you limb from limb if he wanted to. Remember when he destroyed Spike Dudley during his WWE debut 20 years ago?

Madness. For the time WWE Diva Terri Runnels said Broke Lesnar flashed his penis at her, click HERE.



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