Old Man Dance Battle In Woods
Now I know this one has had some mileage on the net, especially the drum and bass version that was circulating. This is the stripped back original and best version. Highlights:
0:22 – roll through legs.
1:20 – snazzy leg skillz.
2:06 – cart-wheel fail.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGkKnldZHpE’]
Restaurant Dancer
The video is titled ‘Disco Dancer’ but he is definitely in a restaurant with some highly un-amused staff behind him. This clip does it for me because he is so emotionally involved in the tune, despite it being hideous pap. He does appear to be chewing quite a bit so I’m fairly convinced it’s not just the music he’s getting off on. For me the whole video is a highlight, but for the highlight of highlights here you go:
0:53 – mad arms at hyper speed kick in.
1:40 – he loses his buzz, remembers where he is and goes to sit down.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMQ-lu3zpTU’]
☛ Next Up: Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #14