Russia, Russia, Russia, oh how I love thee. Welcome to numero 14 of the Awesome Photos From Russia With Love series. I come to you as excited as ever to show you my wares.
I’m always surprised at the amount of funny pictures there are from the mega nation of Russia; but I suppose I shouldn’t be really, seeing as they’re the largest country by area in the world, they straddle 9 time zones and have more than 143 million inhabitants. So there’s plenty of opportunity for japes. Couple that with the fact that they drink vodka for breakfast and you’re literally laughing.
So, today we’ve got law breakers, tattooed faces and elves. How does that sound to you? Good. Let’s begin.
Firstly, here’s a Russian chap that’s converted his car into a mobile BBQ, although I guess if he’s removed the engine then it’s not really mobile at all. It sort of negates the point a bit.
Those bangers look a bit anaemic?
☛ More: Awesome Photos From Russia With Love #5