The Coronavirus is literally all anyone is talking about right now and I’m writing about 50% of my content about it, as it continues to spread around the world and the death count continues to creep higher and higher.
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Obviously there are a bunch of conspiracy theories coming out of Wuhan about the Chinese lying about the official death count and crematoriums burning so many bodies that the sky has smogged up and nobody can see anything, but there haven’t been that many reports on the ground getting out. TIME magazine have decided to remedy this though by releasing the following short video of Americans living in Wuhan talking about what the situation is currently like over there:
I mean wow – I know you keep hearing about it being on lockdown but when you see those usually bustling streets completely empty it really does bang home how serious a situation this is over there. Added to this is the fact that there are loads of rumours flying round about how everyone is lying about the actual death toll and it really does seem that we could be sitting on the edge of the new series of The Walking Dead or whatever.
The biggest question here has to be why the hell none of these idiots have their passports or paperwork sorted out? Surely that’s one thing that you do immediately, especially when you’re living in a foreign country? Not wishing Coronavirus on anyone, but that’s kinda dumb.
For more on the Coronavirus, check out this new conspiracy theory about the virus. Could they be lying about the death count?