The Donald Trump Swimsuit Is Here To Ruin Summer



Whenever you hit the beach you’ve gotta make sure you look your best and a big part of that is what kind of swimming costume you decide to wear.

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Obviously a swimsuit with Donald Trump’s face on is going to get you a lot of attention, but I’m not sure if that’s all going to be positive. Thankfully, this is now easily done as a company called Beloved Wear is making these one piece suits for women and selling them for just $50. Absolute bargain.

Trump isn’t the only option that they’re offering though – you can also get a swimsuit with Nicolas Cage’s face on which is actually really cool. There are a bunch of others too – check them out below:

Swimsuit 5

Swimsuit 4

Swimsuit 3

Swimsuit 2

Swimsuit 1

The raw meat one isn’t bad either is it? And the Nicolas Cage one, absolutely. Time to order it and hit the beach. Maybe get this Steve Buscemi bikini as well for your friend.



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