The Banker With The Ten Inch Penis Has Been Found Guilty Of Rape And Sentenced To Six Years In Jail



Earlier this week we ran a story about this banker who claimed that the woman he was accused of raping was only crying because his dick was so big and it was hurting her, and like we predicted nobody saw through that ridiculous excuse and he’s been found guilty.

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26 year old Daniel Green was accused of raping the woman after he took her back to a cocaine fuelled party at his office. She had tried to go to sleep under a desk, but claimed that Green followed her down there and raped her. Obviously his version of events was different and complete and utter bullshit.

Green was found guilty today and sentence to six years in prison. Here’s what Judge Michael Wood said when he was sentencing him:


You went into an office where she was asleep. While still asleep you removed her trousers and knickers.

When you saw her crying, your reaction was totally impersonal – “oh f***, she’s crying”.

You have showed no remorse, quite the contrary. You exhibited to my mind a certain degree of arrogance when you gave your evidence.

I mean yeah, no shit – what kind of an asshole thinks that they’ll get off a rape charge by saying that they thought the victim was crying because his dick was too big? That really is the next level of arrogance. In fact it’s beyond arrogant and almost needs a new word created for it because it’s that unbelievable. Glad he’s going down.

For more stories about huge dicks, check out this woman who divorced her husband because his dick was too big. I suppose it actually can be a legitimate problem sometimes.



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