It’s pretty much a fact of life now that women are almost certainly going to own a vibrator, but it’s important to know that you can’t overuse it because you could end up in the same situation as sex columnist Nadia Bokody.
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Nadia found herself in the unusual position of being a sex columnist yet never having owned a vibrator – not judging or anything but you really would expect someone who writes about sex to own one, wouldn’t you? especially given what I just said – and then subsequently using her first one so much that she ended up breaking her vagina. Here’s what happened:
It had been a long time since I’d had sex. But I wasn’t entirely ready to be intimate with someone new, so after some research online I decided to purchase a vibrator.
It was quite odd looking back, that I was running a women’s website , providing women with sex-positive advice and information on using vibrators when I had yet to try one myself.
I became obsessed with using it and the ease and speed at which it allowed me to feel pleasure again after months in a sexless marriage.
It was incredibly liberating and empowering to really take control of my sexuality in that way for the first time in my adult life.
After a couple of weeks of using my new adult plaything, I started experiencing some pelvic pain and was hobbling around the office.
Not making the connection, I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong.
The doctor started asking some questions and that’s when I realised the pain had been the result of me over-using my vibrator! It was equal parts embarrassing and hilarious.
I admitted to him that I had been using it about six times a day on the highest power setting.
He said I needed to take a break from it to give myself a chance to recover.
The main thing to keep in mind when trying something new is to start out slow – I learnt the lesson the hard way not to use the turbo setting on your first go, and not to get too carried away!
I mean that’s good advice, you can’t really deny it. You would think it was kinda obvious to not ram yourself multiple times a day after not having sex for ages, but apparently it isn’t. Bear that in mind when you buy your first/next vibrator and it’s better than any man you’ve ever been with.
For more vibrators, check out this eggplant emoji vibrator. Just what you’ve always wanted.