11 Weird Jobs That No Longer Exist



Lamp Lighter

Again, this seems so basic that it’s hard to believe it actually existed, but before street lamps were electric, people had to go around lighting and extinguishing them whenever it got dark/light.

6.) Lamp lighter

Until electric street lamps were introduced, lamp lighters would need to go around lighting or extinguishing street lamps.


This job kind of still exists, but it’s more out of convenience rather than out of necessity.

7.) Milkman

Because of less advanced refrigeration and preservation techniques, cold milk would need to be delivered often.

Log driver

Before you could transport logs via a truck, men would guide them down the river like so. Seems so retarded to do it like this, but I guess back then there wasn’t any other option.

8.) Log driver - Before log transportation via truck was possible, these men would guide logs down the river.

Switchboard operator

It’s hard to believe that this was actually a job and was once probably the most important job within a company.

9.) Switchboard operator

Before modern technology, switchboard operators were an integral part of telephone networks by connecting calls.


These guys were essentially body snatchers. They would dig up graves and then sell the bodies to universities who wanted them for research purposes. Creepy.

10.) Resurrectionist - - They were basically 19th century body snatchers. Resurrectionists would remove corpses from graves for universities to use as cadavers.

Factory Worker Lector

These guys would read to factory workers all day in an effort to provide some form of entertainment – not sure why they needed to be entertained when they were supposed to be working in the factory, but hey.

11.) Factory worker lector

Lectors hired at factories would read to those who worked all day, providing entertainment.



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