Watch As A Group Of 14 Year Old Yobs Attack Pensioner Outside House



As if things aren’t bad enough in this country at the moment – cost of living crisis, inflation, heatwave – then it turns out that the kids definitely aren’t OK either after some horrific footage emerged of some 14 year old boys attacking a pensioner outside his own house for no real reason except to get their kicks.

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76 year old Roy Muller has been terrorised by the youths at his residence since last October, as they would regularly kick his door in and throw stones at the windows of his house in Great Barr in order to intimidate him. His daughter Natalie recently posted footage of them attacking him on social media in the hopes that one of their parents might see it and do something about it, but it hasn’t helped the situation too much yet.

Here’s what Roy had to say about his ordeal:

All the police ever do is come and record it and go away.

It started last October, the first time it happened I thought a car was coming through the house it was that loud, the banging.

But then it carried on, and later they were wearing masks. The longest time I’ve been without it is a month, it can be every day. It’s just getting worse and worse.

It can be twice a day. I’m hoping to catch them and call the police. On Thursday he was trying to hit my glasses, then he called his mate over and they both ran.

I’ve got a cut on my ear and a few aches and pains, but nothing I can’t deal with. The police say ignore them, but they need to sort them out. The police must’ve been here five times in the last few weeks.

It’s very frustrating, it’s awful that I’ve got to live like that. I’ve sat in the chair near the window just to watch the road. Last Friday they were 14 of them, I’m not easily intimidated but you just get a load of abuse.

My daughter put it on the internet and their mothers came forward and were horrified. The parents are different, it’s the kids who are foul.

I’m singled out for whatever reason. Sometimes they come on electric scooters. I had the camera fitted because of this.

I wrote to Sir David Thompson twice and haven’t had a reply – it’s a bit disappointing. I’ve also had them throwing stones and shouting abuse. I just don’t want to see them there at all.

I’m frightened to leave the house in case they do it and when I am out I’m checking my camera on my phone. The police keep saying they will step up patrols but there aren’t any patrols to step up.

That’s a pretty bleak outlook on the situation but I suppose it isn’t that surprising given how the country has really gone to the pits over the last couple of decades. Hopefully Roy can somehow solve the problem and get these kids off his back because it really does sound like he’s living an absolutely wretched life at the moment. Maybe their parents will see it and do something about it but I imagine they’re fairly powerless to stop their awful behaviour as well. Sad.

For more of the same, check out these drunk Spanish yobs trying to beat up an Ibiza bus driver. Bad vibes buddy.



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