Viral Granddad Who Ate Paint Thinking It Was Yoghurt Has Died



Remember the old man who went viral for eating a tub of paint that he thought was yoghurt? It was a classic mix up for the ages:

Perhaps even more impressive than slurping down half a quart of paint, granddad Bobby survived the ordeal with literally zero issues. Not even a tummy ache! Didn’t even poop out mint chocolate-coloured poos for the next month:

Well, sadly, it’s now being reported that Bobby passed away in his sleep aged 91 back in June. A statement from his family reads: “Today would’ve been Bobby’s 92nd birthday. For those who don’t know, he passed away peacefully in his sleep this June. And though he’s missed tremendously, he really did live a long, happy, healthy & fulfilling life as a doctor, musician, father, and grandfather. He loved nothing more than to make people laugh, so having the internet as his audience truly meant the world to him. Huge thanks to everyone who’s supported Bobby boy over the years — I’m confident you guys will keep his legend alive.”

I mean, that sounds like a life well-lived, doesn’t it? A doctor, musician, father, grandfather, and made his mark on the internet where his viral paint shenanigans will live on for all eternity. Accomplishing all that and living till 91 with the most favourable death ever (in his sleep)? Doesn’t get much better than that really.

One thing I still wonder, though: would the average person be able to ingest half a quart of paint and survive with no issues? Or was Bobby simply made of sterner stuff, having lived through WWII, the Great Depression, and such? There were probably times in his life that paint was the healthiest, most nutritious thing he could have eaten! Absolute legend of the internet regardless. RIP Grandpa Bobby! What a photo, seriously:

For the man whose neighbours are threatening to kill him because he painted his house in rainbow colours, click HERE.



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