True Geordie Responds After Leak Of Humiliating X-Rated Instagram DMs Go Viral



A few days ago an X-rated DM exchange between popular YouTuber/Newcastle superfan True Geordie and a mystery Instagram user went viral, after the latter presumably leaked the messages.


Here’s a reminder:

True Geordie, real name Brian Davis, went quiet for a few days while people speculated whether the messages were real or not. Well it turns out they are, as True Geordie has finally confirmed in a new YouTube video titled ‘True Geordie responds’.

In it he says:

Sometimes you just go down a road, dirty messages flying back and forth … you see if you can out-do each other.

It’s just fantasy talk.

It was just two adults messaging each other.

Fair play to the guy. As we said in the original story the best thing he could have done is admit to sending the messages and act like it was no big deal, because after all we all have a bit of a deviant in us don’t we? It’s just that we’re not all dumb enough to get famous and reveal our weirdest kinks to a total stranger on social media. If True Geordie gets his rocks off sucking off black dildos and getting shat on then more power to him.

For the time Harry Styles tried to hook up with an X-rated porn star on Twitter and thought no one would notice, click HERE.



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