Top 10 Movies Every High Schooler Should Watch Before Graduation



High school is full of unforgettable moments, from epic football games to late-night study sessions. But before you toss your cap in the air, there’s another essential experience to add to your list: watching some classic movies. These movies will bring out your laughter, tears, and might just change your perspective on life.

Now, I know high school can get hectic, and sometimes you might think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just pay to write essays and have more time for fun stuff?” Getting help with writing can be a lifesaver because it’s also important to carve out time for yourself. So, grab some popcorn and get ready to dive into these top 10 movies every high schooler should watch before graduation.


1.   The Breakfast Club


Ah, the quintessential high school movie. The Breakfast Club unites five students from various social groups who find themselves in Saturday detention. Through their interactions, they discover they’re not so different after all. This film is a must-watch because it tackles stereotypes and the pressure to fit in, all while delivering some memorable one-liners.

2.   Dead Poets Society


Prepare to be inspired! Dead Poets Society centers on Mr. Keating, an English teacher who motivates his students to think independently and embrace the moment. With powerful performances and an even more powerful message, this movie will make you want to stand on your desk and shout, “O Captain, my Captain!”

3.   Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


Need a break from school stress? Join Ferris Bueller as he takes the ultimate day off. This hilarious adventure through Chicago is filled with unforgettable moments and valuable lessons about making the most of life. Plus, who wouldn’t want to have Ferris’s charm and creativity when it comes to skipping school?

4.   Mean Girls


Mean Girls transcends being just a comedy; it’s a significant cultural touchstone. Following Cady Heron’s journey from homeschooler to high school royalty, this movie hilariously highlights the highs and lows of teenage social life. It’s also packed with iconic quotes that you’ll probably hear (or say) around the school.

5.   To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before


This contemporary teen romance explores the rollercoaster of high school crushes and relationships. When Lara Jean’s private love letters are accidentally mailed out, it triggers a flurry of emotions and surprising relationships. It’s charming, heartfelt, and a perfect reminder of the complexities of young love.

6.   The Perks Of Being A Wallflower


Step into the life of Charlie, a reserved high school freshman, as he faces the trials of growing up in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This film eloquently portrays the ups and downs of high school, from friendships to first loves and personal development. It’s a touching tale that reassures you it’s normal to feel out of place sometimes.

Organizing a movie night with friends is a perfect way to relax and enjoy each other’s company. You can watch some of this movie and share laughs, tears, and memorable moments. And if you’re swamped with homework, why not delegate some of it to the best assignment help websites? This lets you savor your evening without worrying about that impending essay or assignment.

7.   Stand By Me


Based on a Stephen King novella, Stand by Me is a nostalgic journey of four young friends who set out to find a missing boy’s body. Throughout their journey, they discover lessons about bravery, friendship, and the bittersweet aspects of maturing. It’s a powerful film that highlights the strength of childhood bonds and the inevitable changes of adolescence.



8.   Juno


Juno tells the tale of a teenager dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. With her unique sense of humor and a great support system, Juno navigates the challenges ahead of her. This movie tackles serious topics with wit and sensitivity, making it a must-watch for its honest portrayal of teenage resilience and the importance of making tough decisions.

9.   The Fault In Our Stars


Adapted from John Green’s popular novel, The Fault in Our Stars, it is a moving story about Hazel and Gus, two teenagers who find love while fighting cancer. It’s a heart-wrenching yet beautiful film that explores themes of love, loss, and the impact of living a meaningful life. Keep tissues handy for this one; it’s an emotional rollercoaster.


10.                Superbad


For a hearty laugh and a glimpse into the wilder side of high school, check out Superbad. This comedy chronicles best friends Seth and Evan as they attempt to make the most of their final days of high school. It’s funny, outrageous, and ultimately a tale of friendship and growing up. Perfect for when you need a fun break from studying.



These ten movies offer a mix of humor, heart, and valuable life lessons that are perfect for any high schooler. Whether you’re in the mood to laugh, cry, or just escape into another world, these films have got you covered. They provide entertainment and reflections on the high school experience you can relate to and learn from. So, next time you’re looking for something to watch, skip the endless scrolling and pick one of these gems. Happy viewing, and enjoy the journey to graduation!



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