VIDEO: Tom Daley Reveals He’s In A Relationship With A Man



This might not be that surprising to a lot of people, but Tom Daley has today uploaded a video to his YouTube account where he reveals that he’s gay and currently in a relationship with a man.

He explains that he met his partner in the spring and that his ‘life completely changed’: ‘In spring this year my life changed massively when I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe and everything just feels great. That someone is a guy’. Big news.

It goes without saying that it’s incredibly brave and awesome for Tom Daley to do this because it can’t have been an easy decision to make – it would have definitely been easier for him to just never address any rumours about his sexuality –  and that by making a video like this it will encourage people in the same situation to take action and not stay in the closet and have to deal with the repercussions of that. Hopefully it will also improve any stigma that is still associated with homosexuality and coming out amongst young people too, although inevitably there are going to be a bunch of meatheads tweeting stuff like ‘alwayz knu he waz a fag lol’ all day long, but here’s hoping that the majority of people hearing about this are a lot more open minded about it than that.

In the video though Tom does say that he still fancies girls as well though, so if you’re a female reading this with a massive crush on Tom Daley, maybe you’ve still got a chance. You can watch the five minute video below.

☛ More Coming Out: Wentworth Miller Comes Out In Amazing Speech 




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