Not really sure how I feel about themed hotels – does a hotel really need one? Surely it’s just a place for you to rock up and stay when you’re visiting a city? – but they keep on coming so there must be some kind of market for them.
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The latest of these has decided to go all in on cheese and call itself ‘The Cheese Suite’ and locating it in one of the hippest areas of London in Camden. The hotel will open on February 6th and feature cheese-themed wallpaper, artwork, bedding, cushions, cheese-scented soap, some cheese themed board games and a bunch of cheese based cookery books if you fancy whipping up a feast during your stay.
However, I’m not really sure if ‘The Cheese Suite’ is actually available to stay in though as it seems to be some kind of marketing ploy from Cafe Rouge, who have also included a ‘cheese hotline delivery service’ direct to their nearest location to bring you all manner of melted cheesy goodness to your hotel room. Here’s what Jacqueline Fletcher, head of marketing at Café Rouge had to say about it:
We wanted to give the nation somewhere new and exciting to be totally immersed in one of their favourite foods in none other than a cheese-themed hotel, while also trying some of our winter dishes from the comfort of the sofa.
Turns out you can stay in ‘The Cheese Suite’ but you have to enter a ballot and will only be allowed there for one night. Check out the ballot here and enter if you want – gotta do it by the end of February 6th though. Good luck.
For more cheese, check out people making cheese out of celebrity belly button fluff. What?