Self-Made Millionaire Says ALL Men Should Own A Lamborghini In Their Twenties



So I did what self-made millionaire Sebastian Ghiorghiu, 24, suggested in this video and had a serious discussion with myself as to why I never had a Lamborghini in my twenties and to be honest, I couldn’t come up with a good answer. It was all excuses like “nobody taught me about dropshipping” and “I was too stingy to pay up for Andrew Tate’s Hustler’s University.” The most glaring and telling excuse though was that I had no idea that you were a loser if you didn’t have a Lambo in your twenties?! And now here I am watching this 24-year-old ‘digital entrepreneur’ throw his money in my face and tell me that owning a Lambo in your 20s is the easiest thing in the world. FML or what?

‘If you’re a guy in your twenties and you don’t have a Lamborghini, you should actually sit down and have like a serious discussion with yourself as to why you don’t have a Lambo.’

To think I went to school all those years and no one even told me about any of this. Although to be fair, if we all had Lamborghinis in our twenties then they would completely lose their allure, wouldn’t they? So if anything, rich dorks like Sebastian Ghiorghiu should be thanking the rest of us for keeping it lazy humble. You’re welcome, buddy.

For the young millionaire who boasts he uses double yellow lines as ‘VIP parking’, click HERE.



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