How To Get A Room Off Tinder & A Date Off SpareRoom



How To Get a Room Off Tinder


Now maybe I’m blessed with having developed a talent in written conversation, or maybe it’s just because my first line upon matching isn’t “But are you gonna bang doe?”, but engaging in conversation on Tinder is easy. Everyone’s on there for the same reason, and as long as one of you hasn’t had a momentary lapse of concentration whilst on the toilet, then you should both be into chattin’. Develop a bit of rapport, and doing a little word exchange can start getting quite addictive. You become “mates” pretty quickly, and chat moves from awkward, bait questions, to effortless day-to-day breeze.

One such conversation led to me full-on bitching about how impossible SpareRoom was, and how much of a pain it was to find a room in London. The girl not only sent me a link up for a mates room she knew was up, but also gave me the most important piece of advice for when using SpareRoom:

Don’t just apply to every room available, writing from scratch your application. This is a long, arduous process which quickly leads you to fatigue. Create your own “room wanted” ad, and put some time into setting this profile up, along with decent images of you and your cultural interests, etc. Now, when applying for a room, you just write “Sup, I’m keen, here’s my “room wanted” ad. Safe”.

Two weeks after taking her advice, I moved into my new place. Smashed it.



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