Richard Madeley Apologises For ‘Misgendering’ Sam Smith On Good Morning Britain



Richard Madeley committed the cardinal sin of misgendering Sam Smith on Good Morning Britain earlier today, and then followed that up by misgendering guest Shivani Dave in the same segment – watch below:

Two misgenderings in the space of a couple minutes? Oh the humanity! Luckily Susanna Reid was on hand to correct and remind him that both Sam Smith and Shivani Dave use they/them pronouns, and Madeley was quick to apologise for his oversight. Although I wouldn’t be suprised if Madeley was doing some lowkey trolling tbh. Either way, Shivani Dave was good enough to publicly forgive him on Twitter afterwards:

Fair enough really. As you might have figured out, the group were discussing Sam Smith’s latest music video in which he seems to be engaged in some kind of jizz and pxss orgy. Let’s just say reaction has been mixed.



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